Want to finish more quilt projects?

Join the free WIP (Work in Progress) Lounge, where quilt projects go to get finished and EVERYONE is a VIP!

Calling all busy quilters who, despite endless tasks and responsibilities in life, still want to actually finish all their quilt projects…

Are you a quilter who gets excited about project after project…and then starts ALL of them?

Do you have projects you love piling up in your WIP (Work In Progress) area? 

And tell me…

“There are a million quilt projects I want to get started on, but I also want to finish the ones I’ve already begun! The only problem is…I just can’t figure out what to do first!” 

I know how frustrating it is because I feel that way too! We all have so many fun quilt projects, and as creative quilters, new ideas keep coming Every. Single. Day.

Imagine having a group of supportive quilters cheering you on as you finish your WIPs.

Where can you find this fabulous group?

Join a group of creative quilters for a (VIP!) WIP experience where the quilting fun is backed up with a supportive community of busy quilters just like you! Once you join, you’ll receive a link to join the FREE, exclusive Facebook group where we work together to finish our WIPs!

When you join for free, you’ll get: 

  • Tips and tricks to focus your time and energy to finish your works in progress.

  • Monthly-ish challenges and goal-setting guidance.

  • Access to our exclusive online community (hosted on Facebook) to share your progress and quilt finishes, ask questions, motivate each other, strategize, and see the progress your fellow quilters are making. You can participate as much or as little as you’d like!

  • Occasional discounts to (or prizes from!) some fabulous online quilt shops.

Now…let’s get to work!

If you’re thinking, “This sounds perfect!” join the WIP Lounge now.

On a personal note, here’s why this is so important to me…

Hi there!

I’m Lisa, fabric addict and quilting maniac in charge of the WIP Lounge. I can’t wait to meet you!

Although I’m an introvert through and through and love me some quiet time with my sewing machine, I also crave connection with other quilters.

The people who really get how exciting it is to find *just* the right fabric for a project, love sharing quilt ideas and techniques, drool over the latest fabric lines and new patterns right along with me, and know just how satisfying it is to finish each and every quilt project. (My husband and kids have only so much appreciation for these things!)

Being a busy working mom of three, I have an embarrassing number of WIPs in the works and struggle to find the time, space and focus to work on them. I figured a few of you out there might be dealing with the same things too. Thus…the WIP Lounge was born!

By working together, cheering each other on, and having fun, meaningful incentives to help us finish our quilt projects, we can get more projects completed to clear our WIP piles and make room for the next fun project!

I’d love to have you join us!


When you join the WIP Lounge, every month you’ll get: 

  • Tips and tricks to focus your time and energy to finish your works in progress.

  • Monthly-ish challenges and goal-setting guidance.

  • Access to our exclusive online community (hosted on Facebook) to share your progress and quilt finishes, ask questions, motivate each other, strategize, and see the progress your fellow quilters are making. You can participate as much or as little as you’d like!

  • Occasional discounts to (or prizes from!) some fabulous online quilt shops.

How many more amazing quilt projects will you be able to finish when you have a group of supportive quilters to cheer you on every step of the way? 

I can’t wait to see you in the WIP Lounge. Catch you there!